Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21, 2014 - Semana Santa

Hello sweet family and friends, what a week! I hope you all had a wonderful week and especially a Happy Easter. What a special day we have to reflect on the Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. Also, I hope you had the best ‘birfday’ NATERS!! Wow... 13. Happy Birthday big guy! This past week was an interesting week with Semana Santa here in Spain, but that adds to the mission experience;) As for our week,

Like I mentioned, this past week was Semana Santa here in Spain. If you haven´t heard, this is a HUGE holiday for all of the Catholics here in Spain. It is also a pretty crazy holiday. The thought is nice, but... the presentation is kind of scary.. haha Elder Patterson and I had quite the experience this week. So for Semana Santa, each night they have a different procession or Parade from the different Catholic groups that are here. Each day represents what Christ did the last week of his life. If you have never seen a picture of their costumes... I would recommend it, haha but they are a little scary. Anyways each night they get dressed up in big capes and a cone type hat and play the drums and carry torch type things down the street. One night, Elder Patterson and I were coming in from working in one of our Pueblos and we noticed that all of the lights in the city were off. It was really dark, and after struggling to finally find a parking spot in these crazy streets, we took off towards our piso. As we were approaching main street we noticed that there were not really any people, and the lights were still off, we continued walking towards our piso and came around the corner to find all of the people silently watching the procession. However what we didn´t know is that it was the silent procession and that is the reason why all of the lights in the city were off. To add to this experience the costumed things were wearing all black carrying candles... haha it spooked us a little bit, but we were able to make it back to our piso. I am going to have to say that the procession was much more enjoyable from our porch;) haha it is an interesting tradition.

Other than that, Elder Patterson and I had a really good week. This past week we were able to find a new family from Ecuador which we are really excited to work with, they really have a ton of potential! Friday night and Saturday we were also able to do intercambios with some other Elders in our zone. I was able to work with Elder Adams in Murcia and the highlight of my time with him was the Primary activity we were able to help with on Saturday morning. I kind of went into this activity blind, not knowing the details, but it was such a neat activity. All of the primary kids in the Murcia ward had gotten together to do a missionary activity. What they had planned to do was visit with all of the other primary aged kids that were inactive and visit with them. It turns out that there was too big of a turn out so we ended up splitting the kids up between the missionaries, and we went out street contacting for a good hour. Wow, those kids were such awesome missionaries! It was so so funny to see them just extend their arm with a pass along card and just walk head on into somebody and invite them to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints. One of my new "Companions" Elder Cortes did such a great job! I wasn´t sure if I should tell him or not that his white shirt was tucked into his blues clues underwear...;) haha I decided not to! Haha it was such an awesome activity, and I am pretty sure I learned more from the kids then they may have learned from us. I am grateful for this past week and am looking forward to a great one. Have a great week! I love you all!
Elder Dallin Farrell

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